
We reveal the secret to our much loved canapé’s success.

By Stephanie Clifford-Smith Everyone loves a soufflé, right? If twenty years in catering has taught us anything it’s exactly that. There are some recipes customers will simply not allow us to delete and perhaps the most trusted in our ever-evolving menu is our double baked cheese soufflé. We’ve been serving it in various guises since 1998 – as an entrée, a canapé, with goats or gruyere cheese, various sauces and garnishes – but its core never changes. It’s light but luxurious and totally lovable.   We love it too because double baking makes it so much easier to serve than the standard single baked type. There’s none of the angst of needing everyone seated and ready to eat the second the soufflé leaves the oven lest it flops like American Psycho:The Musical. While we can’t reveal the actual recipe we’re happy to share the technique.

  1. Place the soufflé mixture in buttered ramekins and bake in a water bath until they’re firm and puffed up.
  2. Let them rest for a minute then turn them out onto a plate covered in cling film. Now you can put them aside in the fridge for up to three days if you like or just move onto the second baking immediately.
  3. To re-bake, put the soufflés onto a tray lined with baking paper and pour a little cream onto each one.
  4. Return to the oven for about 15 minutes when they’ll puff up again and become golden.

So yes, Paul Keating, a soufflé can rise twice. There you have it. Whether you do it yourself or get us to do it for you, your guests will be blown away. Click here to find out more.